Infectious Diseases Images For Presentations
Speedpix provides the best infectious diseases images for presentations (including new coronavirus Covid-19 images) in a format which enables you, during your presentation, to access & display these images "at the speed of thought" ...
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The new coronavirus COVID-19 pandemic is proving to be a challenge to our Australian way of life like no other. Former financial collapses were all transcended, and the mortality rates were gradually stymied, at least in recent history anyway, apart from HIV/AIDS. The above image is a snapshot in time, but it shows COVID-19 at one of its most terrifying moments - having terrorised Italy in particular, it's also made a massive incursion into the hyper-first-world bastion that is Germany. For many people this is shocking - if it can make fast inroads into a country as evolved as Deutschland, the rest of us feel very vulnerable.
The most disturbing aspect of this graph is at the bottom where we see global cases of 335,262 with the total deaths at 14,627. This is on the 23rd of March 2020, the 76th day since the virus was discovered. What's so confronting about these figures is that the mortality rate is NOT 14,627 out of 335,262 but is accurately 14,627 out of 112,939 which is the deaths plus recovered = total complete closed cases. So 14,627 divided by 112,939 gives us a death rate of 12.95% - this is the correct mathematical fact of coronavirus. Don't let anyone especially not governments tell you otherwise!
Yellow fever is an acute viral haemorrhagic disease transmitted by infected mosquitoes. The "yellow" in the name refers to the jaundice that affects some patients.
Symptoms of yellow fever include fever, headache, jaundice, muscle pain, nausea, vomiting and fatigue.
A small proportion of patients who contract the virus develop severe symptoms and approximately half of those die within 7 to 10 days.
The virus is endemic in tropical areas of Africa and Central and South America.
Large epidemics of yellow fever occur when infected people introduce the virus into heavily populated areas with high mosquito density and where most people have little or no immunity, due to lack of vaccination. In these conditions, infected mosquitoes of the Aedes aegypti specie transmit the virus from person to person.
Yellow fever is prevented by an extremely effective vaccine, which is safe and affordable. A single dose of yellow fever vaccine is sufficient to confer sustained immunity and life-long protection against yellow fever disease. A booster dose of the vaccine is not needed. The vaccine provides effective immunity within 10 days for 80-100% of people vaccinated, and within 30 days for more than 99% of people vaccinated.
Good supportive treatment in hospitals improves survival rates. There is currently no specific anti-viral drug for yellow fever.
Once contracted, the yellow fever virus incubates in the body for 3 to 6 days. Many people do not experience symptoms, but when these do occur, the most common are fever, muscle pain with prominent backache, headache, loss of appetite, and nausea or vomiting. In most cases, symptoms disappear after 3 to 4 days.
A small percentage of patients, however, enter a second, more toxic phase within 24 hours of recovering from initial symptoms. High fever returns and several body systems are affected, usually the liver and the kidneys. In this phase people are likely to develop jaundice (yellowing of the skin and eyes, hence the name ‘yellow fever’), dark urine and abdominal pain with vomiting. Bleeding can occur from the mouth, nose, eyes or stomach. Half of the patients who enter the toxic phase die within 7 - 10 days.
Chlamydia is a sexually transmissible infection. It is caused by bacteria called Chlamydia trachomatis. Many people who are infected with the bacteria do not have symptoms but can still transmit it. Chlamydia can affect the urethra (the urine passage), cervix (the neck of the womb), rectum, anus, throat, and eyes. If chlamydia is not properly treated it can cause serious complications.
In women complications include:
- pelvic inflammatory disease (PID). This is when the reproductive organs that are situated in the pelvis become inflamed
- pelvic adhesions and chronic pelvic pain
- infertility due to damage to the fallopian tubes (by scar tissue)
- ectopic pregnancy (when the pregnancy develops in the fallopian tubes instead of in the uterus).
In men complications include:
- recurrent urethritis
- epididymitis (which involves the tube to the testes).
In women and men complications include:
- arthritis
- conjunctivitis and uveitis (eye inflammation)
- proctitis (inflammation of the rectum).
If you think you have Chlamydia, contact a clinic and they will examine you and perform the necessary test to determine if you have infection. It is important to ensure that partners are tested and treated to control the spread of this infection. Chlamydia is an easily diagnosed infection. Tests are painless - they usually involve a urine test or a cotton swab from the cervix, vagina, anus or penis.
It is recommended that all sexually active individuals below 25 years be tested for chlamydial infection annually.
Chlamydia Treatment
Chlamydia treatment has a success rate of more than 95%. Chlamydial treatment is the same for men and women. It is easily treated with a single dose of antibiotics. But men women with pelvic pain or men with testicular pain may need a longer course of antibiotics. It is important to finish all the medicines even if the symptoms are gone.
Antibiotics can reduce the effectiveness of contraceptive pill or patch. Avoid oral, anal or vaginal sex or use a condom for atleast 7 days after treatment is started. It is best to wait a week or two before having any kind of sex. Reinfection is possible after treatment if the person is exposed again.
If you have Chlamydia infection it is possible you may also have other infection. It is advisable to have a full sexual health screening. It is also important to inform anyone you had sex within the last six months, they may also be infected. If you feel you’re unable to inform your previous sexual partners of your situation, our staff will notify them on your behalf without revealing your identify.
You will notice an improvement in your symptoms within a few days after you begun Chlamydia treatment. Most symptoms will be resolved within 2-4 weeks. If symptoms persist, please return to a sexual health clinic for further investigation and treatment.
Is there a surprising connection between the taking of anti-malarial drugs and the seemingly lower rates of coronavirus COVID-19 infections in places such as Africa and South America? Drugs that are known to work against some viruses are being trialled in China, where there are thousands of patients, and new trials are starting in the US and other countries. Large numbers are needed to find out whether they work in a few people or a lot of people or nobody at all. The most hopeful are Kaletra, which is a combination of two anti-HIV drugs, and remdesivir, which was tried but failed in Ebola patients in west Africa in 2013 and 2016. Some Chinese doctors are also trying chloroquine, the antimalarial drug, which is off-patent, therefore cheap and highly available, and would be very useful in low-income countries. The first results are expected in mid-March and should indicate if the drugs will at least help those who are most severely ill. A miracle cure is not expected. But it's stirring up a lot of conspiracy theories on social media, such as this comment on Facebook: "Why did they ban Chloroquine (a malaria drug that costs $2.50 a pack and has been shown to work against this virus) in the EU, just before the 'virus' appeared? They are currently talking about using it. Why? They already knew it worked back in December!!! Why are they wanting people to die needlessly?" The Facebook link above leads us to a poignant image of the Chinese whistleblower doctor Li Wenliang who died from coronavirus after trying to warn the world. Certainly when it comes to infectious disease images this is one of the most memorable.
Malaria is one of the world’s deadliest diseases, and remains one of the top child killers on the planet. Malaria also keeps children from going to school, families from investing in their future, and communities from prospering, taking a huge toll on lives, livelihoods and countries’ progress. The female Anopheles mosquito is the only mosquito that transmits malaria. She primarily bites between the hours of 9pm and 5am, which is why sleeping under an insecticide treated mosquito net each night is crucial in the prevention of malaria. There are more than 100 species of malaria parasite. The deadliest – and most common in Africa - is known as Plasmodium falciparum. Once the parasite enters the human body, it lodges itself in the liver where it multiplies approximately 10,000 times. Two weeks after entering the body, the parasite bursts into the blood stream where it begins infecting red blood cells. If drugs are not available or if the parasites are resistant to them, malaria infection can develop to anemia, hypoglycemia or cerebral malaria, in which capillaries carrying blood to the brain are blocked. Cerebral malaria can cause coma, life-long-learning disabilities, and death.

How glandular fever is spread
Glandular fever is very infectious. It's spread through spit. You're infectious for up to 7 weeks before you get symptoms. Glandular fever is spread from person-to-person through contact with saliva. Young children may be infected by saliva on the hands of care givers or by sucking and sharing toys, but the virus does not survive very well in the environment. Kissing results in spread among young adults.
Glandular fever, or infectious mononucleosis, is a common infection among teenagers, young adults, and college students. Symptoms include fever, sore throat, fatigue, and swollen lymph nodes and glands, and sometimes hepatitis.
It is normally caused by the Epstein-Barr virus (EBV) a highly contagious herpes virus. EBV is thought to be present in 90 to 95 percent of people worldwide, but it does not always cause symptoms, and it does not always lead to glandular fever.
There is no cure, and glandular fever usually passes without treatment, but the fatigue can last for some time.
Cytomegalovirurs (CMV) and rubella, or German measles, can also cause glandular fever, but the cause is not EBV and it is not mononucleosis. Toxoplasmosis can cause similar symptoms.

Psoriasis is a lifelong skin condition characterised by the development of red scaly areas of skin. About 50% of people affected with psoriasis have changes to their nails and about 25% of people have pain, swelling and tenderness of their joints.
Psoriasis is more common in people who have relatives with psoriasis. The condition affects all racial groups and affects about 2% of people worldwide.
Psoriasis may be triggered for the first time by infections such as streptococcal tonsillitis, HIV and other viral infections as well as by severe emotional stress. Psoriasis is not contagious.
Smoking and excessive alcohol intake may worsen the condition.
Some medications may trigger psoriasis or cause psoriasis to become more severe. These medications include lithium, beta-blockers, anti-malarial medication, and rapid withdrawal of systemic corticosteroids.
Atopic dermatitis (commonly known as eczema) is an inherited, chronic inflammatory skin condition that usually appears in early childhood. Patches of skin become red, scaly and itchy. Sometimes, tiny blisters containing clear fluid can form and the affected areas of skin can weep. Weeping is a sign that the dermatitis has become infected, usually with the bacterium Staphylococcus aureus (‘golden staph’). Eczema is not contagious.
Eczema can vary in severity and symptoms may flare up or subside from day to day. If your eczema becomes worse, disrupts sleep or becomes infected, see your doctor.
Using moisturisers and cortisone-based ointments can help ease the symptoms. It is also important to avoid skin irritants, such as soap, hot water and synthetic fabrics.
Children with eczema have a higher risk of developing food allergies, asthma and hay fever later in childhood.
Urticaria (commonly known as hives) are mosquito bite like swellings on the surface of the skin that range in size from a few millimetres to several centimetres. They may last minutes or hours and can change shape from round to oval, forming rings or patches. The skin swelling seen in urticaria is due to the release of chemicals such as histamine from mast cells in the skin that causes small blood vessels to leak. They are often itchy, but sometimes may not be itchy at all.
Common causes of hives are infection or contact with plants/animals as well as allergic reactions to food and medication.
Lichen Planus
Lichen planus (LIE-kun PLAY-nus) is a condition that can cause swelling and irritation in the skin, hair, nails and mucous membranes. On the skin, lichen planus usually appears as purplish, itchy, flat bumps that develop over several weeks. In the mouth, vagina and other areas covered by a mucous membrane, lichen planus forms lacy white patches, sometimes with painful sores.
Most people can manage typical, mild cases of lichen planus at home, without medical care. If the condition causes pain or significant itching, you may need prescription drugs. Lichen planus isn't contagious.
Pityriasis Rosea
Pityriasis rosea starts with a single patch on your back or torso. That’s called the “herald patch” or “mother patch.” It’s usually oval and about 2 to 10 centimeters (a little less than an inch to almost 4 inches) in diameter.
You may find it slightly raised or rough in texture. Sometimes, you may have headache, fever, or sore throat to go along with it.
A week or two after the herald patch appears, it is joined by “daughter patches” – smaller, scaly rashes that form on your chest or back, often in the shape of a Christmas tree. In some cases, it may become itchy, especially when you exercise or it’s exposed to heat.
Because doctors aren’t certain of the condition’s origin, there’s little you can do to prevent it once you have it.
Vitiligo is a long-term skin condition characterised by patches of the skin losing their pigment. The patches of skin affected become white and usually have sharp margins. The hair from the skin may also become white. The inside of the mouth and nose may also be involved. Typically both sides of the body are affected. Often the patches begin on areas of skin that are exposed to the sun. It is more noticeable in people with dark skin. Vitiligo may result in psychological stress and those affected may be stigmatised.
Acne is caused by inflammation of the hair follicles. It most commonly affects the face, back and chest Features include blackheads, whiteheads, pimples (zits) and cysts. In severe cases, acne may lead to permanent scarring.
Cysts are lumps under the skin that have pus and other tissue in them, but do not come to a head like pimples do. They can cause scarring, blotchy, uneven skin colour and pitting.
Unfortunately, acne hits people at a time when they most want to look their best. Acne can make teenagers feel embarrassed and bad about themselves.
While many regard acne as a teenage affliction, it can evolve into adulthood. An estimated 25% of all women over 30 still have the condition. “I see so many women – adult, professional, intelligent women – who have had their lives ruined by acne,” says Dr Bav Shergill of the British Association of Dermatologists. Women often find that their breakouts are tethered to the hormonal shifts associated with their menstrual cycles. “Female hormonal acne is miserable,” Shergill says. “You may not get many spots a month, but each one will leave a scar. And every scar has both an emotional and a physical component.”

Zika virus disease is caused by a virus transmitted primarily by Aedes aegypti mosquitoes. These mosquitoes bite during the day, usually just after sunrise and around sunset.
- Fever
- Rash
- Conjunctivitis
- Headaches
- Muscle and joint aches
Most people with Zika virus infection do not develop symptoms; for those who do, symptoms tend to last for two to seven days. In some cases, women who are infected by Zika virus during pregnancy bear children with serious health conditions, including microcephaly and Guillain-Barré syndrome, which can cause life-long disability.

- Ebola virus (species Zaire ebolavirus)
- Sudan virus (species Sudan ebolavirus)
- Taï Forest virus (species Taï Forest ebolavirus, formerly Côte d’Ivoire ebolavirus)
- Bundibugyo virus (species Bundibugyo ebolavirus)
- Reston virus (species Reston ebolavirus)
- Bombali virus (species Bombali ebolavirus)
Of these, only four (Ebola, Sudan, Taï Forest, and Bundibugyo viruses) are known to cause disease in people. Reston virus is known to cause disease in nonhuman primates and pigs, but not in people. It is unknown if Bombali virus, which was recently identified in bats, causes disease in either animals or people.
Ebola virus was first discovered in 1976 near the Ebola River in what is now the Democratic Republic of Congo. Since then, the virus has been infecting people from time to time, leading to outbreaks in several African countries. Scientists do not know where Ebola virus comes from. However, based on the nature of similar viruses, they believe the virus is animal-borne, with bats or nonhuman primates with bats or nonhuman primates (chimpanzees, apes, monkeys, etc.) being the most likely source. Infected animals carrying the virus can transmit it to other animals, like apes, monkeys, duikers and humans.
The virus spreads to people initially through direct contact with the blood, body fluids and tissues of animals. Ebola virus then spreads to other people through direct contact with body fluids of a person who is sick with or has died from EVD. This can occur when a person touches these infected body fluids (or objects that are contaminated with them), and the virus gets in through broken skin or mucous membranes in the eyes, nose, or mouth. People can get the virus through sexual contact with someone who is sick with EVD, and also after recovery from EVD. The virus can persist in certain body fluids, like semen, after recovery from the illness.
Ebola survivors may experience side effects after their recovery, such as tiredness, muscle aches, eye and vision problems and stomach pain.
Speedpix provides the best infectious disease images for presentations in a format which enables you, during your presentation, to access & display the images "at the speed of thought".