Dentistry Images For Presentations
Speedpix provides the best dentistry images for presentations in a format which enables you, during your presentation, to access & display the images "at the speed of thought" ...
You know a picture is worth a thousand words but what’s the point of having that killer picture or the presentation if it’s not right there when you need it to overcome an objection or to answer a question. That’s why we invented Speedpix.
Now, your pictures are ready at the speed of thought. Just push your button on the computer keyboard and you get any picture you want in a flash. Or if you have a touch screen, just tap on the thumbnail on the menu and the picture or video springs to life. Then just swipe your way through the presentation.
A picture or a video dramatically increases your customer’s understanding and it does it in the shortest possible time. It boosts the success of your pitch, and for health professionals, it acts like a virtual second opinion.
Speedpix is the revolutionary new way to get your most impactful medical images in front of your customers or your patients right when you need them without having to go through a linear series of slow ads like those other programs you know about. It doesn’t matter where the conversation goes or what question you get asked. You can now instantly answer anything with the backup of a powerful image or video.
Got the picture? When it comes to needing dentistry images for presentations, get Speedpix!
Here’s an image for X-Floss. X-Floss is great for cleaning under bridges, implants, wide gaps and braces. This image below illustrates how it is used and explains what the product is all about.
X-Floss is a fluffy floss with a much better, inflexible threader which allows smooth entry between the teeth. It which eliminates bacteria and debris from underneath bridges and in gaps between teeth.
To use it, you simply take the end of the threader and pass it between the teeth and the X-Floss does the cleaning job.
To clean big molar implants, you can easily push the firm threader between the teeth. X-floss is soft enough to pull under the implant crown gum margin to clean properly against the implant. Its firm threader can also be easily pushed on an implant denture. It's also best for flossing teeth with large gaps and spaces.
Here’s an image of Piksters Size 00 which shows how useful this size Piksters are.
It shows clearly how, being this fine, it can fit down perio pockets. Gum disease can lead to deeper spaces around the teeth called periodontal pockets, and if untreated, these pockets can lead to tooth loss. Flossing once a day is just as important as brushing when it comes to preventing gum disease.
It’s recommended Piksters are used with Neutraflour 5000ppm fluoride, useful when using the Piksters to clean inside furcations, whether partially or through and through.
A furcation defect is bone loss, usually a result of periodontal disease, affecting the base of the root trunk of a tooth where two or more roots meet (bifurcation or trifurcation).
A tooth with a furcation defect typically possesses a more diminished prognosis owing to the difficulty of rendering the furcation area free from periodontal pathogens. For this reason, surgical periodontal treatment may be considered to either close the furcation defect with grafting procedures or allow greater access to the furcation defect for improved oral hygiene.
It’s recommended Piksters are used with Neutraflour 5000ppm fluoride, useful when using the Piksters to clean inside furcations, whether partially or through and through.
Nevertheless as this medical image shows, the Pikster Size 00 allows greater penetration into a furcation than was previously possible, enabling superior oral hygiene practises to have greater effect on periodontal pathogens.
Piksters size 00 also fit into tight gaps such as splinted or stripped incisors.
Let’s take a look at this next diagram which is one of our simpler medical images yet precise in its clarity for conveying a message not just to dental professionals but to patients also. This vector EPS file image is an illustration design for healthy teeth versus recession gums.
Gum recession occurs when your gum tissue starts to die out. When this happens, your gum line is pulled down and recedes. Gum recession is irreversible. Once you develop a receding gum line, it won’t grow back. The only way to stop it from happening is by preventing it before it even starts.
There are known causes for gum recession. This includes gum diseases like gingivitis and periodontitis, eating gum-damaging foods, overbrushing and poor dental hygiene. Other reasons can include genetics, ageing, hormone changes, diabetes, heart disease, bone and skeletal density issues and high blood pressure.
In the early stages of gum recession, you might observe inflamed gums, frequently bleeding gums and the sensitivity to cold and acidic foods.
This captivating medical image shows which nerves innervates the teeth.
The maxillary and mandibular branches of the trigeminal nerve innervate the teeth.
The upper or maxillary teeth are supplied by the following nerves that originate from the maxillary nerve and they are the anterior superior alveolar nerve, middle superior alveolar nerve and the posterior superior alveolar nerve.
The lower or mandibular teeth, on the other hand, are innervated by the following nerves originating from the mandibular nerve and they are the incisive nerve and the inferior alveolar nerves.
The treatment can be surgical or non-surgical. Correction of tooth brushing technique, treating the dentinal sensitivity are examples of the non-surgical method. Surgical methods can be pedicle soft tissue graft procedures or free soft tissue graft procedures.
This final image is tooth decay. This is a close-up image showing the full effects of damaged enamels.
If you look inside your mouth right at the big molar teeth in the back, you’ll see those deep grooves on the tops and sides. That's one of the most common places for tooth decay or dental caries to begin. Cavities can be prevented from developing by simply brushing after meals and snacks at least twice daily for two full minutes. As much as possible, cut back on sugary snacks and soda pop if you don’t want the image above to happen to your teeth.
When food deposits stay in the pits and fissures of the teeth, bacterial acids and enzymes can dissolve away the enamel. Acids coming from food and drinks can also directly dissolve enamel. Once you're at this extreme point of decay, the likelihood you'll be in pain and desperately trying to access an emergency dentist is very high.
Bacterial plaque can accumulate on the sides of the teeth, along the gums, and between the teeth. That's why it's so important to brush the sides of our teeth as well as the tops, angling the bristle tips beneath the gums - and then flossing between the teeth every day to get rid of the fuzzy plaque. If it's allowed to remain between the teeth, you may develop cavities on the interproximal surfaces, which would involve the removal of healthy tooth structure to fix. It's also where most gum disease begins.
Speedpix provides the best medical images for presentations in a format which enables you, during your presentation, to access & display the images "at the speed of thought".